MAA542 Yugoslav Armies 1941–45 1472842030
ELI239 Armies of the Iran–Iraq War 1980–88 1472845579
NVG302 Tanks in the Battle of Germany 1945: West Front 147284811X
RAID56 The Viking Siege of Paris AD 885–86 1472845692
DUE117 USN Submarine vs IJN Antisubmarine Escort 1472843053
DUE118 Tiger vs Churchill: North-West Europe, 1944–45 1472843886
CBT061 Seminole Warrior vs US Soldier 1472846885
ELI243 Soviet State Security Services 1917–46 1472844084
NVG303 Tanks in the Easter Offensive 1972 1472849027
FOR000 The Moscow Kremlin: Russia’s Fortified Heart 1472845498
CAM373 Syria and Lebanon 1941 1472843843
ACM025 Desert Storm 1991 1472846966
ACM027 "Big Week" 1944 1472824512
CBT064 US Soldier vs Chinese Soldier: Korea 1951–53 1472845323
CBT062 Patriot vs Loyalist: American Revolution 1472844203
WPN081 Soviet Machine Guns of World War II 1472842391
ELI244 Soldiers of Fortune 1472848012
NVG304 British Gunboats of Victoria's Empire 1472851587
CAM374 The Battle of Gettysburg 1863: The First Day 1472848497
DUE119 F4U Corsair vs A6M Zero-sen 1472850610
ELI245 The Dutch Resistance 1940-45 1472848020
NVG305 Warships in the Baltic Campaign 1918-20 1472851668
CAM375 East China Sea 1945 1472848462
CBT063 Viking vs Frankish Warrior: Francia 799-950 1472848853
DUE120 SU-152/ISU-152 vs Tiger: Eastern Front 1943-45 1472848640
WPN082 Walther Pistols: PP, PPK and P 38 147285084X
MAA000 Medieval Indian Armies (1) 1472843444
MAA000 Italian Colonial Troops 1882–1960 1472851269
NVG000 Graf Zeppelin-class Aircraft Carriers 1472846761
CAM000 Barents Sea 1942 1472848454
CAM000 Siege of Budapest 1944–45 1472848489
ACM000 The Kamikaze Campaign 1944–45 1472848446
RAID00 Operation Jericho 1944 1472852060
WPN000 Sniping Rifles in World War I 1472850769
NVG000 The Polish Navy 1919-1945 1472847008
CAM000 Leyte Gulf 1944 (2) 1472842855
CAM000 The East Africa Campaign 1914–18 1472848918
ACM000 The Oil Campaign 1944–45 1472848543
DUEL00 F9F Panther vs Communist AAA 1472850645
MAA000 German Troops in the American Revolution (2) 1472840194
NVG000 Tanks at the Iron Curtain 1960–75 1472848160
CAM000 Narvik 1940 1472849108
ACM000 D-Day 1944 1472847237
CBT000 Celtic British Warrior vs Roman Soldier 1472850890
DUEL00 Athenian Trireme vs Persian Trireme 1472848616
MAA000 The Red Army 1922–1941 1472850459
ELI000 Gladiators 400 BC–AD 14 1472850920
NVG000 The HAWK Air Defense Missile System 1472852214
CAM000 Battle of Malta 1940-1942 147284890X
CAM000 Carrhae 53 BC 1472849043
CAM000 Corregidor 1945 1472825926
ACM000 Gothic Line 1944–45 1472853415
CBT000 British Cavalryman vs German Cavalryman 1914 1472848829
MAA000 Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (2) 1472850491
NVG000 Essex-Class Aircraft Carriers 1945–1991 1472845811
ACM000 Arctic Convoys 1942 1472852435
CBT000 Hunnic Warrior vs Late Roman Cavalryman 1472852087
DUEL00 British/Commonwealth Cruiser vs Italian Cruiser 147284968X
MAA000 Armies of the Sino-Japanese War 1894–95 1472851331
NVG000 US Navy Armored Cruisers 1890–1933 1472851005
CAM000 Berezina 1812 1472850181
DUEL00 Royal Navy Torpedo-Bombers vs Axis Warships 1472852486
WPN000 Soviet Pistols 1472853482
ELI000 Roman Plate Armour 1472851870
NVG000 Tanks in Battle of Germany 1945: East Front 1472848713
NVG000 Foreign Panthers 1472831810
CAM000 Stalingrad 1942–43 (3) 1472842731
CAM000 Japanese Conquest of Burma 1942 1472849736
ACM000 Bloody April 1917 1472853059
RAID00 The Capture of U-505 1472849361
NVG000 Super-Battleships of World War II 1472846729
CAM000 Tannenberg 1914 147285022X