maanantai 18. maaliskuuta 2019
Osprey Military 2019
MAA522 The Khazars: A Jewish Nomad Empire c.AD 370–1038 147283013X
NVG266 French Battleships 1914-45 1472818199
CAM331 Smolensk 1943 1472830741
DUEL91 F6F Hellcat vs N1K1/2 Shiden/Shiden-Kai: 1945 1472829743
WPN066 Weapons of the Viking Warrior 1472818350
CBT038 US Soldier vs Afrikakorps Soldier: Tunisia 1943 147282816X
ACM008 Operation Linebacker I 1972 1472827538
MAA523 Armies of the Medieval Italian Wars 1125–1325 1472833406
NVG267 French Armour in Vietnam 1945-54 1472831829
CAM332 Kulikovo 1380 1472831217
DUEL92 Chinese Ironclad Battleship Vs Japanese Cruiser 1472828402
ACM009 Japan 1944-45 1472832469
MAA524 Norwegian Waffen-SS Legion 1941-43 1472834399
NVG268 M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank: 1993-2018 1472831780
CAM333 The Aleutians 1942-43 147283254X
CBT039 Russian Soldier Vs Japanese Soldier: Manchuria 1472828127
WPN067 Sniping Rifles on the Eastern Front 1939-45 1472825896
ELI227 Armies of the Baltic Independence Wars 1918-20 1472830776
NVG269 European Ironclads 1860-75 1472826760
MAA525 Australian Bushrangers 1820–1880 1472831101
NVG270 SU-76 Assault Gun 1472831861
CAM336 Strasbourg AD 357 1472833988
CAM335 Mortain 1944 1472832523
DUEL93 Spitfire VC vs A6M2 Zero-sen 1472829603
CBT040 Macedonian Phalangite vs Persian Warrior 147283187X
WPN068 The G3 Battle Rifle 1472828623
MAA526 The Australian Army at War 1976–2016 1472826329
ELI228 Armies of Russia's War in Ukraine 1472833449
NVG271 US Navy Battleships 1886–98 1472835026
CAM334 Nieuwpoort 1600 1472830814
ACM010 Six-Day War 1967 1472835271
DUEL94 Walker Bulldog Vs T-54: Laos and Vietnam 1971-75 147283612X
CBT041 Union Sharpshooter vs Confederate Sharpshooter 1472831853
MAA000 Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (2) 1472833473
CAM000 The First Anglo-Sikh War 1845-46 147283447X
CAM000 Castagnaro 1387 1472833511
WPN000 Weapons of the US Special Operations Command 1472833090
DUEL00 USAF F-105 Thunderchief vs VPAF MiG-17 1472830903
DUEL68 RAF Fighters vs Luftwaffe Bombers: BoB 1472808525
CBT000 British Airborne Soldier vs Waffen-SS Soldier 1472825705
CAM000 Kos and Leros 1943 1472835115
NVG000 Churchill Infantry Tank 1472837347
NVG000 The Medieval Cannon 1472837215
WPN000 The Arisaka Rifle 1472816129
DUEL00 T-34 Vs Stug III: Finland 1944 1472832353
MAA000 The Army of Pyrrhus of Epirus 1472833481
NVG000 British Escort Carriers 1941-45 1472836251
CAM000 The Glorious First of June 1794 1472834844
CAM000 The Long March 1934–35 1472834011
ACM000 Battle of Berlin 1943–44 1472835220
DUEL00 Tempest V vs Fw 190D-9 1472829255
CBT000 Sioux Warrior vs US Cavalryman 1472831888
MAA000 Armies of the Great Northern War 1700–1720 147283349X
NVG000 Russian Battleships and Cruisers of the R-J War 1472835085
CAM000 Petsamo and Kirkenes 1944 1472831136
CAM000 The Paraguayan War 1864–70 1472834445
ACM000 Ploesti 1943 1472831802
ACM000 Guadalcanal 1942–43 1472835514
DUEL00 Panzerfaust vs Sherman: ETO 1944-45 1472832310
DUEL00 German Flak Defences vs Allied Heavy Bombers 1472836715
CBT000 Soviet Partisan vs German Security Soldier 1472825667
The Royal Dragoon Guards: A Regimental History 1472838599
ELI000 Raiders of New France 1472833503
NVG000 German Guided Missiles of World War II 1472831799
CAM000 Java Sea 1942 1472831616
RAID00 Operation Source: X-craft cripple the Tirpitz 1472835859
DUEL00 Me 262 vs P-51 Mustang 1472829557
CBT000 Samurai vs Ashigaru 1472832434
NVG000 British Amphibious Assault Ships 1472836308
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